Flexible pipes of different diameters and grades are common technological operations in the production of various structures and parts, as well as during repair and construction works. Therefore, for businessmen engaged in such activities, this issue remains relevant and topical.
How to choose a hand tube bending?
First of all, it should be based on what materials will be used, or used most often. This is due to the design of special machines — tubes, which are selected in accordance with the technical characteristics and operating parameters. The power of the hand tube bending is enough to work with pipes of small diameter and made of soft metals.
More complex designs are composed of clamping jacks, which allow you to bend the pipe larger diameter-50-60mm. For such manual tubes suitable rolled steel, corner, rod, strip, pipe.
Each manual tube Bender is designed for a certain diameter of pipe, usually, it ranges from 20 mm to 60 mm. A picking include the presence of additional rollers, which can significantly extend the range of diameters of pipes or other workpieces.
Advantages of hand tubes
Among the advantages of hand tubes, you can highlight the main:
-they are compact and do not have large dimensions;
-no electrical connection required;
-weigh quite small (some models 25 kg, more complex machines up to 60 kg).
If the hand tube is made of high-quality steel, the life of its operation is not limited. High-quality steel is not subject to corrosion and rust, has a significant wear resistance.
With the help of hand tubes can be made various parts and elements that are used in the installation/replacement of water supply, gas supply, Sewerage. With the help of such machines, it is possible to establish the production of arches for greenhouses and other consumer goods.
Hydraulic pipe Bender
Hand tube bending
Pipe bending tooling
Pipe bending drawings
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